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8 items found for ""

  • Steve Bannon Has Become a Martyr

    Having just published a book about Jesus, I have become quite familiar with the concept of martyrdom and martyrs and Steve Bannon certainly is one. He correctly called out the January 6th committee for being too cowardly to testify at his trial saying that the January 6 committee members were cowards for not testifying at his trial. I couldn't agree more. It's very easy for the committee to make accusations and throw labels at somebody, but let's see them do it under oath. It's the ultimate in cowardice to refuse to testify under oath and Bannon was right to call the committee out for not testifying. I for one was glad to see it. Steve faces between 60 days and 2 years in prison for refusing to testify to the January 6th Committee.

  • A Great Review of Detective Jesus

    I'll be the first to admit that Detective Jesus #1: Thou Shalt Not Kill is a tough book to promote. I think this review captures what I tried to do with the book and answers some questions without spoilers. This was left by someone named DJ on the book's Amazon page. _________________________________________________________________________ Upon first reading the cover and some of the first looks at this book; I had reservations. Being Christian (not in a holier-than-thou sense, but in that I try to model my life after the life of Jesus) I had reservations. There were some ice-breaking moments that showed the humanity of the lead character (who happens to be Jesus, yes I said it that way on purpose.) A little ways into the book, I noticed Jesus ate shrimp. (Now, being an unclean food, i wondered if this was author unaware or an insight into His (Jesus') humanity.) But that was quickly answered when questioned about His condiment of choice (hot sauce) He said essentially He was allowed to acquire new tastes (paraphrasing.) Besides, though He was raised Jewish, since His arrival and such...I suppose He'd no longer follow all of the dictates of Judaism? Rest assured though, this isn't a religious book nor does it comment really on Christianity, but instead sort of confirms who this lead character is. The laughs are plenty and come at some funny times. Sometimes, I'll admit I thought to myself "should I laugh at this?" but, again, it brought humanity to the main character. The chief (no spoilers on who he is) exclaimed "Jesus Christ!" in frustration. Jesus was like, "huh?" (He didn't say that but responded as if someone called His name, just as you or I would respond.) The scene was funny. Mr. Kimble's comedic timing and his wordsmithery makes the book a joy to read. Now that covers the main character. If you like detective shows, particularly from the 70's. Think Starsky and Hutch, Rockford Files, Chips and Mannix--or even modern day Bad Boys type show. Where the cops and detectives are all heart, but the chief is always breathing down their neck with expectations and timeline. So put who the main character is aside, and you have a crime (murder) that needs solving by some mostly (maybe sometimes) adept detectives and cops? Based on the writing, I'd guess Mr. Kimble is a fan of these 70's cop shows, I see quite a bit of them in this story. Also, being as this is book #1 "Thou Shalt Not Kill," one has to wonder if there are going to be nine more installments (or maybe lump a few together?) Here's hoping. I will certainly be there for it. It is quality parody, well written and while there are Biblical references and even some of the teachings in a broad view, there are also "old fashioned" tidbits my favorite line is, "A smart mouth can get you out of trouble, but it can just as easily get you into it."

  • We've Picked My New Campaign Song

    Jamie Lin Wilson is an amazing musician who I have become familiar with through Drew Kennedy. Her album Floater: A Tribute to the Tributes to Gary Floater is a wonderful blend of an artist at the peak of her craft with the most patriotic songwriter in the history of the state of Texas. I can't recommend it enough. Floater who wrote such amazing songs as The Hero Never Learns and Americana Me is the perfect muse for Jamie Lin's soaring vocals and amazing guitar. The song that I have chosen for my campaign song (assuming Jamie Lin Wilson will give me the rights) is When the Eagle Screams. "The Eagle" is actually a metaphor for America and he's pissed. Give it a listen to and tell me, does this sound like the type of song to get a crowd riled up at a Kimble rally?

  • Email from a Man Who Got Beaten Up for Reading Detective Jesus #1.

    Hello Congressman Kimble.. This is not a question but a comment, I bought your book from Amazon titled "DETECTIVE JESUS #1: THOU SHALT NOT KILL. My first comment is that I find it very easy reading and easy for me to understand. The other thing that I would like to mention to you is something that I've never ever experienced in my entire life. I was reading your book yesterday at the beach, when some guys who I was playing beach volleyball with, asked me about the book that I was reading, and so I showed them the book. They then asked me why I chose this book, and so I told them that I had a great deal of respect for the author. The next thing that happened came as a total shock to me. Without warning, I was slugged and punched in the face. I asked why was that called for, and I was told that it's because his political view point and mine differ. I told them that I get it that our view points differ, but why can't we be at least civil about it. With that, he laughed, shoved me once again onto the sand, and kicked sand all over me. I was angry! Nobody likes getting sand kicked in their face so I went home and read the rest of your great book. I realized that wasn't what Detective Jesus would do if somebody kicked sand in his face, so I resolved to start training my body and my mind to be weapons. I know that in just fifteen minutes a day, I can become the kind of man that bullies will leave alone and women will flock to. That guy will think long and hard before he hits me again. Thank you kindly, Congressman Kimble, and I look forward to hearing from you, so that I can understand better. Hey, Thank you for writing to me this real and totally not made up account! I think you are right and your best bet for tolerance and understanding is to become a living weapon. Detective Jesus would certainly approve of you being a man of action and not taking it lying down. Stay free. Sincerely, Congressman Jack Kimble

  • I Miss Graduation Season

    I love graduation season, but it is sadly over by mid-August. Politicians don't get asked as much as we used to because our country is rather polarized right now. More's the pity. One of my favorite graduation speeches was to the 2014 class at the University of Western Topeka. Go Narwhals!

  • Congress Has a Fine Literary Tradition

    When people talk about books by Members of Congress, memoirs and policy books come to mind. People immediately think of my own Profiles in Courageousness or Bella Abzug's 1972 book Bella! as examples of books by Congress, but like my own Detective Jesus #1: Thou Shalt Not Kill, there are a number of great books written by members of Congress that fall in the fictional category. Mousetronaut by Mark Kelly who flew with “mice-tronauts” on his first spaceflight aboard space shuttle Endeavour in 2001. Mousetronaut tells the story of a small mouse that wants nothing more than to travel to outer space. The little mouse works as hard as the bigger mice to show readiness for the mission . . . and is chosen for the flight! While in space, the astronauts are busy with their mission when disaster strikes—and only the smallest member of the crew can save the day. He returns to Earth and is given a hero's welcome before his dissection so that science can study the effects of zero gravity. The Hornet's Nest In his ambitious and deeply rewarding novel, Jimmy Carter brings to life the Revolutionary War as it was fought in the Deep South; it is a saga that will change the way we think about the conflict. He reminds us that much of the fight for independence took place in that region and that it was a struggle of both great and small battles and of terrible brutality. One struggles to count how many books former President would have built if he had only been required to create one-room cabins. Dawn of the Brave is by Florida Congressman Mike Walz who is a former Green Beret and avid furry. He combines these two loves to tell us a story of the five anthropomorphic members of Team Brave who must decide if the battle for Freedom Island can be fought alone or if working as a team and serving one another is their best option. This one is not on Amazon, I assume because of decency standards, but I figure whatever happens on Freedom Island stays on Freedom Island, which I think was a Village People song in the early 80s after most people stopped buying their records. Finally, Ted Cruz has written a whole bunch of sensitive and inspirational love stories under the pen name of Chuck Tingle. There are way to many to go through here, so I would suggest his Amazon page where he is currently promoting his newest book Pounded In The Butt By My Handsome Sentient Library Card Who Seems Otherworldly But In Reality Is Just A Natural Part Of The Priceless Resources Our Library System Provides

  • I Know Reading Sucks, But...

    I know reading sucks, but there are two outstanding books about great Americans out this week. There's my book about Jesus and Lauren Boebert's outstanding book about Lauren Boebert (rhymes with gogurt). Jesus and Lauren have a lot in common and not just because of the questions about their parentage. You know reading sucks. I know reading sucks. However, these two books may be the greatest ever written. I won't go into details about Detective Jesus #1: Thou Shalt Not Kill here except to beg you to buy a copy. Instead, I'll focus on Lauren Boebert's book called My American Life, which was undoubtedly inspired by her deep love of Ira Glass's NPR radio program of a similar name. Getting back to how Lauren is like Jesus, he was falsely accused by the democrats of his day. Just as Lauren and her husband have been hounded by liberals today. Her husband Jason famously exposed himself to a 17-year-old bowling alley waitress and when the owner demanded he leave the premises, he did what any red-blooded American male would do and threw a basket of fries at him. I had originally thought that it had been something scandalous, but reading in Lauren's words how the teenager was totally at fault for practically begging Jason to do it, put a whole new spin on things. Lauren is a rising young star and I highly recommend reading this great book to learn more about her. I give it 16 out of 17 stars ****************.

  • Over-Extended on Electric Cars

    I recently read that Americans were about to reach a tipping point for electric cars. Supposedly, when a country gets to 5% there is no turning back. Within a couple of years somewhere between twenty-five percent a quarter of all new cars bought in this country will be electric. I'm sure to democrats this sounds like a good idea, but let me give you a few facts. The average commute time in 2019 was about 27.6 minutes according to the Census Bureau. Now, it's complicated to figure out what the distance of the average commute is, but my guess would be about 16 miles. That's obviously going to be much further for some people, but on average it's thirty miles when you count both ways. Now, 16 miles is approximately 84,480 feet. Remember that. I checked out the local newspaper--The wonderful Oakdale Value Shopper and saw that the average length of an extension cord on sale at the local hardware story was only about twenty-five feet. The maximum I saw was one-hundred feet. Thar cord cost $146. At $14.60 per foot, that's over $1,233,000 for even an 84,480 foot cord. I wish somebody would have told that to electric car buyers before they realized just how cost prohibitive driving even a few hundred feet could cost. Frankly, I'll take my chances with gasoline even with the ridiculous prices.

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